Whether youre a proofreader, letterer, editor, writer, or an artist who renders their own text, you should get a copy and keep it on your person at all times!

—Clayton Cowles, comic book letterer

About the Book

I decided to write The Proofreader’s Guide to Comic Book Style for a simple reason: There wasn’t an existing reference book for editorial style conventions and mechanics in North American comics.

When I first started working with comics, I went looking for a guide to all the important elements of editorial style that copyeditors and proofreaders should know—like the dashes, the crossbar I’s, the bold italics, and how to spot problems with caption boxes and speech balloons. There are great books about other comics writing, editing, and publishing topics, but I never could find one with all the specific editorial details I wanted.

In addition to conventions for punctuation, capitalization, numbers, emphasis, special symbols, sound effects, and more in North American comics, I cover the mechanics and workflow of copyediting and proofreading, from scripts to lettered panels. Whether you work with big superhero series, indie graphic novels, or webtoons, there will be something here for you.


About the Author

Madeleine Vasaly is a developmental editor, copyeditor, proofreader, and consultant with over a decade of experience in publishing. Her comics background includes a temporary stint at DC Comics as a full-time proofreader in addition to freelance work for DC, IDW/Top Shelf, Yen Press, Tapas, and other publishers. She has proofread and copyedited series, one-shots, anthologies, graphic novels, and collected editions across all age ratings and created company-wide style guides for publishers.

Outside her work in comics, Madeleine has edited and proofread hundreds of prose books and countless articles for online newsrooms. She’s also the co-head and senior editor of the online magazine and community organization Twin Cities Geek and has served on the board of the Professional Editors Network since 2018. She’s a member of ACES: The Society for Editing, the Editorial Freelancers Association, and the Minnesota Book Publishers Roundtable.

Learn more at madeleinevasaly.com.

“A fascinating resource that demystifies the quirks and conventions of comic books, from captions to balloon styles and much more.”

—Karen Yin, author of The Conscious Style Guide